
We want you to have the most effective solution possible. Some parts have to be made from engineering plastics or other high performance plastics for technical or business reasons. We provide this option and bring our specialization in the machining of plastics and years of materials expertise to bear.

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Source: Saechtling: Kunststofftaschenbuch, 25. Ausgabe S. 314

max. continous service temp.°C+260+150+170 bis +180+150
Becomes brittle below°C-200-60-40-180
Densityg/cm32,13 – 2,231,76 – 1,782,07 – 2,121,67 – 1,75
Tensile strengthN/mm220 – 4040 – 6030 – 4035 – 45
Elongation at break%140 – 40025 – 400175200 – 500
Young modulus (elasticity)N/mm2350 – 7501000 – 30001300~1000
Shore hardness – D55 – 6077 – 8273 – 7967 – 73
Thermal expansion coefficient10-5 K-11610513
20 – 100°C
Thermal conductivity at 20°CW / (mK)0,240,170,260,24
Oxygen indexVol – %O29544 – 489432 – 37
Specific resistanceW. cm1018101410151016
Dielectric strengthkV/mm5530 – 4035 – 45
Surface resistanceW1017175200 – 500
Water absorption (comparison 24h)%00,0300,02
Expanding agentnone in the standard temperature rangeketones, esters at high temperaturessome chlorinated hydrocarbonssome halogenated solvents at high temperatures
Chemically attacked bymolten or dissolved NA metal, F, FClat high temperaturesfuming HNOand H2SO4, amines, pyridinessimilar to PTFEfuming H2SOand similar